Professor Gregory Okin of the University of California in Los Angeles calculated that all cats and dogs in the US eat as much animal food as the entire French population of nearly 70 million people. Mechanically separated 

meat and
disguise Okin also looks with dismay at the more luxurious meat that a growing group of animal lovers wants in the feed for their furry housemates. Keep it with MSM for your pet, says Okin. 

People look down on mechanically separated meat. The British and American TV chef Jamie Oliver made a big contribution to this. He made it unpopular in a broadcast of his Food Revolution programthat was directed against McDonald's. Oliver showed how 'dirty' the leftover meat is collected and that 'chemicals' are needed to make them food safe. 
The New York Times recently announced a settlement between Disney and a large American meat company because the media company the good name of pink slime(the English word for mechanically separated meat) would have passed through the mud. That would have led to unemployment and lost sales. The settlement amounts to $ 177 million plus an as yet unknown amount that the insurance companies of Disney will add. The videos with the original broadcast of Oliver appear to disappear from Youtube. The sums of the settlement might show that Oliver was not quite right, even though the public had come to believe him. Precisely because of the latter, Okin warns against the occurrence of madness. We do not want to give pets muscle meat.

If we all decided not to take a dog or cat anymore, we would be able to reduce our meat consumption by one third in one go
If that trend continues nonetheless, meat will take an even greater stake in fields, water and energy than is currently the case. In addition, it further boosts greenhouse gas emissions. Carnivorous pets are an attack on the environment. If we all decided not to take a dog or cat any more, we would be able to reduce our meat consumption by one third at a stroke, assuming that the meat consumption figures for pets in the EU are similar to those in the US. 

Take a vegetarian pet
Cats and dogs can not become fully vegetarian, says Okin on Science DailyHe does not advise pets, however, because people benefit from good affective bonds with animals. Yet he has advice for a type of animal that may be a better idea than a dog or a cat. Think of vegetarian pets. For example, a small pony might be a good idea for people with a lawn. The animal mows the grass and has to move a lot, even outside of his meadow. A small pony therefore forces you, like a dog to walk on regular bases.