Giantess is one of the biggest geysers in the national park, and typically explodes between twice and six times a year In these troubled times there comes a point where we all need to let off steam.For this huge geyser in Yellowstone park, the moment was now and the eruption was spectacular, after a six-year wait.But, for the rest of us, watching this natural phenomenon is strangely meditative and beautifully distracting from much of the bad news around, despite the violent geothermal forces propelling it.Giantess Geyser spouted for the first time in more than six years in Yellowstone National Park, which straddles part of Wyoming and a little of Montana, on 25 August, according to the US National Park Service (NPS).“She” has more typically erupted between twice and six times a year in the past, according to the NPS website, and blasts a spout up to 200ft high.“The surrounding area may shake from underground steam explosions just before the initial water and/or steam eruptions,” the NPS website adds.Giantess is one of the biggest geysers in the park, alongside phenomena such as the super-tall Steamboat geyser, the largest active geyser in the world, and the park’s most famous, Old Faithful, renowned for its punctual regularity as it soars from the ground about 20 times a day.Colorful hot spring features in the park include the blue-hued Morning Glory Pool and the psychedelic Grand Prismatic spring, as well as whiffy, sulfurous bubblers and roiling natural pots of scalding hot water fizzing out of the rocks.The features are among more than 10,000 hot springs and geysers in the park, a Unesco world heritage site.
With protests continuing to rage in Kenosha, Wis., over the Aug. 23 police shooting of African-American Jacob Blake, President Trump will travel there Tuesday on a visit to the key swing state that will echo his “law and order” campaign message.
“He wrote: ‘For legal reasons this is a joke.’ … Would he look into the eyes of Survivors liberated by @USArmy and tell them this?” the Auschwitz Memorial Museum said in a tweet.
An army dog who charged through a hail of machine-gun fire and tackled an Al-Qaeda fighter is to receive the animal equivalent of a Medal of Honor
Activists tear down a statue of Canada’s first prime minister, whose policies towards Indigenous people were later declared ‘cultural genocide’
One night after accepting the Republican nomination, Donald Trump resumed campaigning for reelection as though the coronavirus pandemic was a thing of the past, rallying hundreds of supporters at New Hampshire airport hangar.
U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday will visit Kenosha, Wisconsin, the city that has seen unrest since a white police officer shot a Black man in the back, a White House official told reporters on Saturday. Trump will meet law enforcement officials and assess damage in the city where the officer shot Jacob Blake, who is paralyzed from the waist down and remains in hospital, the official said. A 17-year-old boy is being held by authorities in Kenosha on suspicion of shooting three people who were protesting the shooting of Blake.
CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta couldn’t be more exasperated by President Trump’s decision to speak before a packed crowd at the Republican National Convention, fearing some attendees could die from COVID-19 as a result.Trump on Thursday delivered his acceptance speech at the RNC before a crowd of about 1,500 people who weren’t practicing social distancing and few of whom were wearing masks, a fact Gupta sounded the alarm about on Friday morning, expressing deep frustration that such an event took place during the coronavirus pandemic.“The history books will be written about this chapter in our lives at some point, and it will show events like that and say that in the middle of a pandemic … at a time when there were more than 5 million infected, we started having events like that again,” Gupta said. “It’s really frustrating. It’s mind-boggling."Gupta went on to say that this demonstrates that some people still haven’t "learned” how dangerous COVID-19 is, and he raised concerns about the coronavirus spread the event may lead to.“There will be people who became infected as a result of that event last night,” Gupta said. “And there will be people who will spread it, and possibly require hospitalization, may even die as a result of that event last night."CNN’s Jim Acosta reports that a senior White House official dismissed concerns about the crowd at the event by declaring, "Everybody is going to catch this thing eventually.” But Gupta pushed back against that flippant comment, noting that what COVID-19 “does to the body” long term still isn’t clear and warning, “You don’t want this virus.” > “There will be people who became infected as a result of that event last night, and there’ll be people who will spread it and possibly require hospitalization, may even die,” @drsanjaygupta says about the large crowd that wasn’t socially distanced for Trump’s RNC speech.> > – CNN (@CNN) August 28, 2020More stories from Trump’s RNC polling bounce more about ‘subtraction on the Biden side,’ pollster suggests 5 more scathingly funny cartoons about the Republican National Convention Many uninsured coronavirus patients reportedly don’t qualify for Trump’s coverage program because of other illnesses
Australia’s prime minister said on Friday he was open to discussions over whether Australian mass killer Brenton Tarrant, jailed for life without parole this week for the New Zealand mosque shootings, should serve his sentence in his home country. Scott Morrison told broadcaster Channel Seven he had not received a formal request from New Zealand for such a transfer, although New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters suggested it after Tarrant was sentenced on Thursday. “We’ll have an open discussion and look at the issues around this,” Morrison said, adding that the views of the affected families would need to be considered first.
Fox News anchor Chris Wallace slams colleagues for appearing to rationalize 17-year-old charged in Kenosha shooting: ‘There is no justification’
California’s governor, legislators and other stakeholders on Friday agreed to an emergency measure to try to stave off evictions in the state, where a statewide moratorium is set to expire Sept. 1.
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Citizens throughout the nation are counting on using mail ballots to vote in November without placing their lives at risk. President Donald Trump is determined to prevent them from doing so, if they live in heavily Democratic metropolitan areas, that is. Trump claims that allowing widespread mail balloting is an invitation to massive and systematic fraud, saying: “What they’re doing is using COVID to steal an election. They’re using COVID to defraud the American people.” But when a judge ordered Trump’s campaign to come up with evidence for the president’s fraud claims, the campaign produced absolutely nothing. Still, there’s ample evidence that if Trump gets his way, hundreds of thousands of duly registered voters will not be able to vote, or will have their ballots go uncounted—more than enough to sway the outcome of a close election.On June 29, the Trump campaign filed a lawsuit demanding the voiding of the efforts of Pennsylvania’s state officials to facilitate mail voting during the pandemic, pursuant to a recently enacted law. Among other things, Pennsylvania is allowing the use of ballot drop boxes, so voters can avoid returning ballots through the mails. In light of revelations that Trump’s recently installed Postmaster General (and fundraiser), Louis DeJoy, deliberately engineered new inefficiencies and delays at the Postal Service (particularly in Philadelphia), the need for drop boxes is even more clear. But that’s only made the Trump campaign more determined to prevent their use. Al Gore: If Trump Refuses to Concede, the Military Would Run Him OutAccording to the Trump campaign’s complaint, Pennsylvania voting officials “have sacrificed the sanctity of in-person voting at the altar of unmonitored and unsecured mail-in voting and have exponentially enhanced the threat that fraudulent or otherwise ineligible ballots will be cast and counted in the upcoming General Election.” Trump’s complaint uses the word “fraud” no fewer than 51 times. Given the centrality of Trump’s fraud claims, on Aug. 13 the Pittsburgh federal judge hearing the case, Nicholas Ranjan (a Trump appointee), ordered the campaign to provide any and all evidence supporting its allegations “concerning potential or actual fraud or voter misconduct,” including “from the use of drop boxes, absentee ballots, or vote-by-mail.” When the Daily Beast asked the Trump campaign for a copy of the materials it produced, the campaign declined to share one. It later became clear why, when the campaign’s interrogatory responses were disclosed. The filings contained virtually no evidence of mail-in or drop-box ballot fraud, let alone fraud of a nature and scale remotely sufficient to change the outcome of a statewide election. Instead, the document contained a grab bag of examples of campaign irregularities, errors and misconduct, many taken from newspaper articles, and none substantiating the massive mail voting fraud claims the campaign made in its complaint. Indeed, the campaign was reduced to making the absurd contention that it does “not need to demonstrate any evidence of fraud to prove” its case, even though the campaign’s complaint was laced with, and grounded on, claims of a grave risk of fraud. Of course, it’s nothing new for Trump and his associates to make claims without evidence. Apart from the president’s now regular rants about “rigging” the upcoming election, Attorney General William Barr has repeatedly contended that “if you have wholesale mail-in voting, it substantially increases the risk of fraud.“ Barr has even joined Trump in asserting that foreign nations are poised to engage in massive counterfeiting of mail in ballots to sway the outcome of the election. But when asked if he had any evidence whatsoever to support his claims, Barr has repeatedly admitted, most recently before Congress, that he has none, and instead is relying entirely on what he calls "common sense.” A senior official of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence recently contradicted Barr, stating that the intelligence community has no evidence that foreign powers intend to manipulate mail-in ballots. In fact, as election experts have demonstrated, Barr’s claim that mail ballots are a likely source for massive, systematic fraud—let alone a foreign power’s scheme to sway an election—is entirely contrary to common sense. A database maintained by the conservative Heritage Foundation indicates that, over a period of nine years, there were all of 15 cases of voter fraud in the five states that employ universal mail-in voting; furthermore, as election expert Rick Hasen has explained, it would likely require thousands of counterfeit or otherwise fraudulent ballots to sway the outcome of a state’s election, something that would be virtually impossible to carry off. A senior FBI official similarly recently stated that “[i]t’s extraordinarily difficult to change a federal election outcome through [coordinated] fraud alone.”Trump lost a round when the Pennsylvania federal court case was temporarily stayed by the judge hearing it in favor of allowing the Pennsylvania law issues in the case to first be addressed by state courts; but it will likely be revised. In the meantime, the Trump campaign can be expected to continue to peddle its bogus fraud claims in every court in which it can be heard. But there is now no doubt that the Trump challenges to mail voting are grounded on phantom, and indeed, fantastically fraudulent, claims of fraud. But there’s nothing speculative about the consequences of allowing Trump to get away with his scheme to suppress and limit mail voting. If Trump succeeds, thousands of eligible voters will be prevented from casting their votes, or will complete ballots that are not counted. The Washington Post reported that more than 534,000 mail ballots went uncounted during the recent primaries, many in battleground states, including because signatures were rejected or ballots were received past the deadlines. The vast majority of these ballots were cast by duly registered citizens who had every right to vote. At the end of the day, of course, the Trump campaign has no actual interest in preventing voter fraud; rather, the president wants to make it even more difficult for people who reasonably fear going to crowded polling places in heavily Democratic metropolitan areas from effectively voting by mail, and thereby from voting at all. That is a classic voter disenfranchisement scheme, and it is directly at odds with the principles of democracy.Read more at The Daily Beast.Get our top stories in your inbox every day. Sign up now!Daily Beast Membership: Beast Inside goes deeper on the stories that matter to you. Learn more.
One of the strongest hurricanes ever to strike the U.S., Laura barreled across Louisiana on Thursday, shearing off roofs and killing at least six people while carving a destructive path hundreds of miles inland. A full assessment of the damage wrought by the Category 4 system was likely to take days, and the threat of additional damage loomed as new tornado warnings were issued after dark in Arkansas and Mississippi even as the storm weakened into a depression. “It is clear that we did not sustain and suffer the absolute, catastrophic damage that we thought was likely,“ Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards said.
The ex-boyfriend of Breonna Taylor speaks out and claims she was not involved in illegal activities. Breonna Taylor‘s ex-boyfriend has come forward in an attempt to clear up her alleged involvement in any criminal activity. Jamarcus Glover, 30, was the target of the narcotics investigation leading to the execution of the no-knock warrant that resulted in the police shooting and killing Taylor, the Courier-Journal reports.
Republican Senator Rand Paul on Friday called on the FBI to investigate a crowd of protesters that swarmed him as he departed the White House after listening to U.S. President Donald Trump accept his party’s nomination for re-election. Paul told Fox News Channel he believes the group chanting his name and pushing against his impromptu police escort was paid to incite a riot. “I believe there are going to be people who were involved with the attack on us that actually were paid to come here and are not from Washington, D.C., and are sort of paid to be anarchists,” Paul said.
When a dog is hurting, we feel their pain, too! Pain can be a temporary or longterm condition. Either way, dog parents want to know how to safely and effectively soothe their dog’s suffering and relieve their pain. That’s why one of the most common questions that dog parents research is, “What can I give my dog for pain?”
The last thing any pet parent wants is to make a painful situation worse by giving their dog a medication that can cause them harm. Keep your dog healthy and relieve their pain by administering medications that are both safe and effective for your furry friend.
Signs that Your Dog is in Pain
Dogs experience a wide range of pain from a variety of sources, just like humans. Acute pain can happen after an injury or trauma. This pain can be extremely intense in nature and lessens over time as the wound or injury heals.
Chronic pain is a long term problem that stems from an underlying medical condition. The most common cause of chronic pain in dogs is arthritis. Chronic pain in dogs can be very difficult for dogs and their humans. It has a hugely negative impact on the quality of life. Dog parents are eager to find safe solutions to make their dogs more comfortable despite chronic conditions.
Dogs can be very secretive when it comes to pain. They hide their pain very well, making it tricky to recognize. This leads to many dogs enduring pain for much longer than necessary. Knowing what subtle signs to look for can help address your dog’s pain faster.
What is an NSAID, and Can I Give it To My Dog for Pain?
NSAID is an acronym for a group of medications that are “Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs,” or NSAIDs. Humans commonly take them for discomfort related to inflammation, such as arthritis in the joints or common headaches. Humans also turn to them for fever reduction and to reduce swelling from injuries.
Dogs should ONLY take NSAIDs made for dogs, not those made for humans!
Dogs do not tolerate human formulations of anti-inflammatory drugs. In most cases, they are dangerously toxic to dogs. They can cause kidney, liver, or digestive problems. Thankfully there are plenty of NSAIDs designed especially for dogs. Talk to your vet about NSAIDs such as:
carprofen (Novox or Rimadyl)
deracoxib (Deramaxx)
firocoxib (Previcox)
meloxicam (Metacam )
Signs a Dog is Having a Reaction to NSAIDs for Dogs
It is crucial to monitor your dog anytime they start a new medication. NSAIDs for dogs are generally safe. However, dogs can have a bad reaction to an NSAID, just like a human can. This is true even for NSAIDs that are made specifically for dogs.
Pet Web MD shares the acronym BEST as an easy way to remember the signs you may see in a dog that is having a bad reaction to an NSAID. If you see any of the warning signs listed below, contact your vet.
B: behavior changes
E: eating less
S: skin redness or scabs
T: tarry stools, diarrhea, vomiting
Can I Give My Dog Ibuprofen for Pain?
No! You should never give your dog the human medication ibuprofen for pain. This drug, found in Advil and similar products, is not formulated for dogs and can have many adverse health impacts on dogs. Ibuprofen poisoning is very common and can result from minimal doses of the drug.
Instead of leaving the body as it does in humans, ibuprofen recycles through a dog’s liver repeatedly. This leads to ibuprofen poisoning. Ibuprofen poisoning affects multiple systems in a dog’s body and can cause a variety of symptoms.
Gastrointestinal problems such as decreased appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, and other stool disruptions, depression and abdominal pain are common. More severe cases can result in organ-system failures, seizures, and coma.
Should I Give My Dog Acetaminophen for Pain?
No! Acetaminophen is the active ingredient found in Tylenol and similar medications. Acetaminophen should not be given to dogs. It’s toxic to dogs and can result in death after a single dose. Small dogs and puppies are at especially high risk.
Symptoms of acetaminophen toxicity can appear within 1-4 hours of ingestion but can take far longer to present. Early detection and treatment are key to recovery. The prognosis becomes worse and worse for dogs the longer the acetaminophen has been in the system untreated.
Dogs with acetaminophen toxicity may have methemoglobin in the body. This disturbs the body’s ability to deliver oxygen to various tissues. Dogs may appear blue around the eyes and gums. Fluid retention may be found in the face, paws, and limbs. VCA Hospital says, “The presence of methemoglobin in the blood demands a prompt diagnosis, hospitalization, and aggressive care.” Best to avoid this altogether by avoiding acetaminophen.
Can I Give My Dog Naproxen for Pain Relief?
No! Do not give your dog Aleve or similar medications. Naproxen is extremely toxic to dogs. The Pet Poison Hotline reports that “While safe to use for humans, naproxen is very poisonous to dogs and cats, as it has a narrow margin of safety (which means it is very potent). As little as one 220mg tablet can cause severe symptoms (even death), even in a large dog.”
Naproxen ingestions can lead to ulcers in the gastrointestinal system of your dog. These can rupture, causing tears in the intestinal tract, which can be very painful and dangerous. Naproxen ingestion can also lead to kidney failure. Naproxen is not a safe choice to treat pain in dogs.
How About Giving My Dog Aspirin for Pain?
Yes, dogs can take aspirin but only with guidance from a veterinarian. Aspirin can be safe for dogs, but it’s critical that you administer an appropriate dosage. Talk to your vet before giving your dog aspirin. They will know how much and how often you should give your dog aspirin for pain.
The American Kennel Association says that aspirin is technically safe for dogs, but it’s not entirely risk-free. You should consult with your vet first. The AKC reported, “Thanks to some of the more serious side effects associated with the drug, aspirin is not a medication that owners should give their dogs without veterinary approval, so be sure to pay close attention to your veterinarian’s instructions.”
Other Medicines for Dog Pain Relief
There is a litany of prescription medications available to your dog for pain. You need a prescription from your vet and should always follow the label instructions for dosage. As mentioned above, some of these are classified as NSAIDs. NSAIDs for dogs are usually prescribed to deal with chronic pain, such as arthritis. They include: carprofen (brand-names Novox or Rimadyl), deracoxib (brand-name Deramaxx), firocoxib (brand-name Previcox), and meloxicam (brand-name Metacam).
Dogs who have advanced or more severe arthritis and inflammation or severe allergies may be prescribed corticosteroids. These drugs can be very effective but come with some potential long-term complications. Discuss this with your dog’s vet before using corticosteroids.
Acute pain is typically handled with a different class of drugs. Injuries and post-surgical recovery may require an opioid prescription, which is also used for terminally ill dogs and cancer patients. These drugs are just as potent for dogs as they are for humans, which is why they are only used in particular circumstances.
Natural Pain Relievers I Can Give My Dog at Home
Pet parents around the globe have embraced the use of CBD for pain management in dogs. It can be incredibly helpful for dogs with arthritis and other chronic conditions. There is a growing body of scientific evidence about CBD use in dogs. Every account points to it being a safe, effective, and natural defense against a multitude of problems, including pain.
There are endless accounts of dogs who have benefitted from CBD products made specifically for dogs. We shared this story about River, a dog whose hip pain made every movement excruciating. After taking Cannanine CBD tincture for a couple of weeks, River had the zoomies for the first time ever. People swear by it. If your dog is in pain, consider trying a high-quality CBD tincture made especially for dogs, such as Cannanine.
We get it. There is nothing worse than when your baby is in pain. If your dog is in pain, especially outside of your vet clinic’s normal hours, you may feel tempted to give them something from your medicine cabinet. This can be very dangerous for your dog. Please consult with your vet before giving your dog any medications for pain relief.