
Home for Dogs,Kittens And Friends

Thursday 31 January 2019

BREAKING: 25 Varieties of Dog Food Recalled for Elavated Vitamin D – Hills Prescription Diet & Science Diet Affected

Hill’s Pet Nutrition and Science Diet has voluntarily recalled select canned dog food products due to potentially elevated levels of vitamin D.

While vitamin D is essential for dogs, consuming elevated levels can lead to potential health issues such as vomiting, loss of appetite, increased thirst, increased urination, excessive drooling, and weight loss. Vitamin D, when consumed at extremely high levels, can lead to renal dysfunction.

Pet parents with dogs who have consumed any of the products listed below and are exhibiting any of these signs should contact their veterinarian. In most cases, complete recovery is expected after discontinuation of feeding.

In the United States, the affected canned dog foods were distributed through retail pet stores and veterinary clinics nationwide. No dry foods, cat foods, or treats are affected.

The Affected Foods

Which Lot Numbers Are Affected?

Lot numbers and expiration date of Hills and Science Diet Recall January 2019


Important Message from Hills

Hill’s Pet Nutrition learned of the potential for elevated vitamin D levels in some of our canned dog foods after receiving a complaint in the United States about a dog exhibiting signs of elevated vitamin D levels.

Our investigation confirmed elevated levels of vitamin D due to a supplier error.

We care deeply about all pets and are committed to providing pet parents with safe and high quality products.

Hill’s has identified and isolated the error and, to prevent this from happening again, we have required our supplier to implement additional quality testing prior to their release of ingredients.

In addition to our existing safety processes, we are adding our own further testing of incoming ingredients.

This voluntary recall only impacts canned dog food and primarily in the United States.

It is being conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

For further information, please contact Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc. at 1-800-445-5777 Monday-Friday during the hours of 9am-5pm (CST) or at Information can also be found at icon

Please share this recall notice!

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7 Ways Pet Parents Can Help Control Their Dog Allergies

15 to 20% of Americans have some sort of allergic reaction to dogs. Despite the prevalence of dog-related asthma, sneezing, itchy skin and hives, nearly half of US households have at least one pup. Pet lovers are clearly willing to endure their symptoms in order to enjoy the many benefits of sharing their lives with dogs. Luckily, there are several things these pawrents can do to help control their dog allergies.

dog allergies

What Causes Dog Allergies?

According to the Mayo Clinic, allergies occur when the immune system reacts to an allergy-triggering substance. For example, when a person with dog allergies encounters a pup, their body reacts to proteins in the hair and skin cells (dander). The immune system goes into defense mode, causing inflammation of the skin, sinuses, airways or digestive system.

The severity of the allergic reaction varies from person to person and can change throughout an individual’s life. Some may get an itchy rash while others suffer sinus pressure and sneezing. In rare cases, life-threatening asthma or deadly anaphylaxis can occur.

Before you blame your symptoms on your pup, see your doctor for allergy testing. You may find you are reacting to your dog’s shampoo or pollen on his fur, not the dog himself!

causes of dog allergies

7 Ways To Help Control Your Dog Allergies

Studies have shown only one in five owners are willing to give up their pups due to allergies – even when their doctors recommend it. If allergy testing shows you are indeed allergic to your dog, there are several ways you can help minimize your symptoms and keep your pup!

1. Create an “Allergy-Free” Zone in Your Home.

The dander that causes dog allergies has a way of sticking to clothes, bedding, curtains and carpets. If possible, folks with allergies should restrict their dogs’ access to the bedroom. It may seem sad to give up nightly cuddles with your pup, but it’s better than having to give him up for good! Those with strong allergies should also invest in high-efficiency HEPA air cleaners to make sure dander from around the house does not drift into their “allergy-free” zone.

2. Lose the Carpets.

As mentioned above, allergens have a knack for sticking to soft surfaces. Removing carpeting in favor of hardwood, tile or laminate flooring will help minimize buildup. Drapes and curtains should also be replaced with shutters or blinds. When it comes to furniture, synthetic leather is a better choice than fabric. If you cannot replace your carpets, be sure to have them deep-cleaned at least twice a year.

carpets cause dog allergies

3. Clean/Vacuum Frequently.

Frequent cleaning and vacuuming prevents allergens from building up in the nooks and crannies of your home. Wipe down all surfaces where dust may accumulate, including fan blades and shelves. Change air filters regularly – perhaps even more often than monthly – and wear a mask when dusting and cleaning, as these activities are likely to trigger your dog allergies.

Be sure to choose a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. They remove up to 99.97% of tiny, allergy-inducing particles. It is also important to ensure your vacuum is functioning properly. If not tightly sealed, allergens may bypass the filter and be redistributed back into the air. After vacuuming, empty the canister outside to prevent particles from spreading back into your home.

4. Wash Your Dog’s Bedding Weekly.

Dogs spend most of their time sleeping or lounging, so it is no wonder their bedding is a magnet for hair and dander. Frequent washings with  specially formulated laundry detergent will help remove allergens. If your pup’s bed is awkward to wash, try covering it with blankets or sheets to catch the dander. These items can be easily tossed into the wash and replaced.

bedding causes dog allergies

5. Keep Your Dog Well-Groomed.

Many people with dog allergies seek out “hypoallergenic” breeds. While no dog is entirely allergen-free, smaller, low-shedding breeds tend to cause less symptoms. However, low-shedding dogs have constantly-growing hair coats that require frequent grooming.

Talk to your groomer about choosing a short, neat haircut. Sometimes referred to as a “puppy cut,” this style will reduce the number of allergens that accumulate on the hair coat.

While your groomer will bathe your dog at the time of his haircut, you may also want to give extra baths at home. Frequent bathing removes dead skin cells and can reduce allergens by as much as 84%. Just keep in mind that over-bathing can be harmful to your pup’s delicate skin. Ask your vet to recommend a shampoo and help you come up with a bathing schedule.

Grooming wipes are another choice when a full bath is not an option. They are gentle, fresh-smelling and help swab away allergens on your dog’s coat and paws after trips outside.

Frquent brushing also helps remove dead hair and dander that may otherwise trigger your dog allergies. As an added bonus, it is great for your pup’s skin and coat. 

grooming prevents dog allergies

6. Make Sure Your Pup is Potty Trained.

Potty training is one of the basics of dog ownership, but did you know it can also help reduce your allergies? In addition to dander, dogs release allergens through their urine. The particles stick around long after the pee has dried and easily spread throughout the air. For help potty training your stubborn pup, check out this post.

7. Take Medications.

This one may seem like a no-brainer, but being a pet parent with dog allergies does not necessarily mean you have to spend your life in a Benadryl fog. New allergy treatments are emerging all the time, so work with your doctor to find the right combination of medications and holistic options that work for you. Just be sure your allergist understands you are commited to keeping your dog.

Antihistamines, inhalers, decongestants, steroid-based treatments and immunotherapy (allergy shots) can all be quite effective depending on the patient. Vitamins like E, C, A, and B6, as well as oils containing omega-3 fatty acids may also help bolster your system to defend against your dog allergies.

medications for dog allergies

Devoting yourself to these small changes can make a world of difference when it comes to living with dog allergies. As you already know, your pup is worth it!


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Win a Heart Birthstone Necklace for Dog Moms & Cat Moms

via DogTipper

Win a Heart Birthstone Necklace for Dog Moms & Cat Moms

We know your heart is filled with your love of your pets–and now our PawZaar heart-shaped birthstone necklace especially for dog moms and cat moms shares the pride of your pet’s birth day or adoption day! The stainless steel and glass heart locket has a magnetic closure so you can easily add additional charms as ... Read More about Win a Heart Birthstone Necklace for Dog Moms & Cat Moms

from DogTipper

RECALL: Woody’s Pet Food Deli Voluntarily Recalls Ground Turkey Raw Food For Salmonella Contamination

The Minnesota Department of Agriculture is alerting consumers to a recall for Woody’s Pet Food Deli Raw food. Samples collected by the MDA tested positive for Salmonella contamination.

Samples were collected after a human case of Salmonella contamination was identified in the state of Minnesota. Their pet was also found to have Salmonella, however not the same strain as the one found in their human. During an interview, the Minnesota Department of Health found that Woody’s Pet Food made with raw ground turkey was regularly in the home and fed to the family’s dog.

Woody’s Pet Food is sold from their Woody’s Pet Deli stores around the state of Minnesota. Their products are made with human-grade meat and include organs for the added nutrients that they can provide pets.

On their FAQ page Woody’s Pet Deli addresses the concern that the bacteria in their raw food may be harmful to pets, and explains that our dogs are more resistant to salmonella and e.coli. They also warn that humans should be safe when handling raw food.

“The FDA wants you to believe that salmonella will kill your pet. If salmonella and E.coli were harmful to our pets, then over half of the world’s population of cats and dogs would be sick, if not dead, right now.  Our pets have stronger stomachs than us humans.  Unlike humans, they have acidic and short digestive systems. In their natural habitat, they eat feces, carrions, road kills, and trash and lest we forget, wild cats and dogs do not cook their food to kill bacteria.

“People, however, are not like their pets. We can be harmed by bad bacteria and should therefore practice safe food handling no matter what type of pet food or treat we use. Please refer to our safe food handling tips.”

Regardless, their food still seeks to meet MDA standards, and the recall only applies to six batches of one product. The MDA originally announced a voluntary recall of three batches in 5 pound tubs, but Woody’s Pet Deli has extended it further to include three more in different sizes.

The recall applies to the following:

  • Woody’s Pet Food Deli Raw Free Range Turkey
    Use by date: 01/8/20
  • Woody’s Pet Food Deli Raw Free Range Turkey
    Use by date: 01/10/20
  • Woody’s Pet Food Deli Raw Free Range Turkey
    Use by date: 01/12/20
  • Woody’s Pet Food Deli Raw Free Range Turkey
    Use by date: 01/15/20
  • Woody’s Pet Food Deli Raw Free Range Turkey
    Use by date: 01/17/20
  • Woody’s Pet Food Deli Raw Free Range Turkey
    Use by date: 01/19/20

From Woody’s Pet Deli:

“We are initiating this recall after we were notified by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture that retail samples of PLU 5234 with best buy dates of 01/10/20, 01/12/20, and 01/15/20 tested positive for Salmonella. We expanded the recall to include other raw turkey products and production batches as precaution. Customers who have purchased the above products are urged to stop feeding them to their dogs or cats and return the products to one of our stores for a full refund or dispose of them immediately. Customers should always follow safe food handling practices when disposing of these items.

“Through 10 years we have provided quality pet food, and we believe taking this precautionary step is the right thing to do. We are grateful for your support. We sincerely apologize for any inconveniences this may cause.”

For more information on the recall, visit

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500 French Dog Names

I don’t know about you, but I find picking names a bit stressful. You want one that sounds good, one that fits your dog’s personality, and one that the whole family can agree on. Finding a name that fits those criteria can be a bit tough.

My trick? I check out baby name lists for inspiration. It’s hard coming up with a bunch of names on the spot, and it can be even harder when you’re trying to stick with a theme. So to help you out I’ve put together a list of 500 French names for inspiration.

So if you’re looking for a French inspired name for your new dog you’ve come to the right place, I’ve put together a list of my favorites. From classic names to contemporary options, here’s 500 French dog names to choose from.

500 French Dog Names

French Female Dog Names French Male Dog Names
Adela Abel
Adelaide Abi
Adele Ace
Adelie Achille
Adrienne Adamson
Aeris Adrein
Agathe Alain
Agnes Albert
Aimee Alfonse
Alice Alfrid
Alma Alvin
Amaline Andre
Ambre Antoine
Amelie Anton
Anne Arman
Anouk Armel
Antoinette Arsene
Apolline Arthur
Ariane Astin
Aubree Auger
Audette Avery
Audrey Barden
Ava Bardot
Aveline Barnette
Avril Basile
Aya Bastien
Babette Beaumont
Batilde Beldan
Beatrice Belot
Bella Benedict
Belle Benjamin
Berdine Benjie
Bernadette Bensen
Bianca Bernard
Bibi Briant
Bijou Cain
Blanche Carvel
Brigitte Cesar
Camille Charles
Cecile Chauncey
Celeste Chevy
Celine Claude
Charline Clement
Chloe Clovis
Clara Cloyd
Claudie Corbin
Clemence Corin
Constance Cornett
Corrine Cosme
Cosette Damien
Danette Daryl
Delphine Dash
Desiree Daz
Dionne Del
Doriane Delroy
Dorothee Demont
Edith Denis
Elaine Dennes
Elena Dion
Elisabeth Dru
Elodie Eddie
Eloise Edmond
Elsa Elliot
Emeline Eloi
Emma Elois
Emmie Emile
Enide Emmanuel
Esme Erec
Estelle Erik
Felice Erwan
Fifi Esme
Flavie Ethan
Fleur Eudes
Francine Eudo
Francoise Eudon
Garland Eugene
Geneva Everard
Genevieve Fabien
Genny Felix
Georgette Fernand
Germaine Florent
Gigi Forest
Ginette Franc
Giselle Francois
Gladys Fraser
Guilia Gael
Guinevere Gais
Helaine Galant
Helene Garen
Helo Gaston
Heloise Gerald
Hennie Gerard
Henriette Germain
Hortense Gifferd
Idelle Gilbert
Ines Gill
Irene Gilles
Iris Gosse
Isabel Gul
Jacinthe Gustave
Jacqueline Gustavo
Jacqui Guy
Jeanette Hamblin
Jeanne Hamlin
Jenava Hardien
Jeslyn Harland
Jodelle Harvey
Joelle Henri
Johanne Herve
Joi Horace
Jolene Hubert
Joli Hugo
Josee Ignace
Josette Ilbert
Juliet Ives
Kalle Ivon
Kari Jacques
Karlis James
Lacey Jean
Laudine Jori
Laure Joshua
Lea Josse
Lena Jovan
Leona Jules
Liane Julien
Lila Karel
Lina Karlis
Lise Kota
Lisette Lafayette
Lison Lamar
Lizette Landis
Loraine Landy
Lottie Lanny
Louise Laurent
Lourdes Lazare
Luce Leo
Lucie Leon
Lucille Leonard
Lucinde Leron
Lula Leroy
Luna Lewes
Lunete Liam
Lydie Lionel
Mabella Lonell
Macella Louie
Madeline Louis
Maeva Loup
Majori Luc
Marcela Lucas
Marcelle Lucien
Mardy Marc
Maresa Marcel
Margerie Marin
Margot Marquis
Marguerite Marrok
Mariam Marshall
Marianne Martin
Marie Matheo
Marielle Mathias
Marine Mathieu
Marquite Mathis
Marthe Maurice
Martine Maurin
Mathilde Maxime
Maude Maximilien
Michele Michel
Mila Michon
Monique Milot
Myriam Milun
Nadelle Montel
Nadi Mort
Nadine Mory
Nadiya Nathanael
Nathalie Nel
Neva Nichol
Nicolette Nicolas
Nina Noa
Ninette Noe
Ninon Noel
Noe Noham
Noela Norbert
Noelle Norris
Noemie Oates
Noleen Oda
Nour Olivier
Octavia Orleans
Odette Ormondo
Odila Orrie
Olivia Orval
Olivie Paget
Orabelle Parke
Osanne Pascal
Ozanna Patrice
Pancha Patrik
Paris Pepin
Paulette Perceval
Pauline Percy
Penelope Perkins
Perle Perrin
Radelle Philbert
Raina Pierre
Raissa Pons
Rebecca Porter
Regina Pryor
Rema Purvis
Remie Quentin
Renee Quint
Riva Rabbie
Rivera Raimond
Romane Raphael
Romy Raulf
Rosali Regis
Rosalind Rema
Rosella Remi
Roselle Renard
Rosine Rene
Roux Reynold
Roxanne Richard
Ruby Riche
Sabine Robert
Sacha Rodel
Salome Rodolph
Sara Roland
Sasha Roul
Satine Rousel
Shantal Ruff
Sheril Salomon
Simone Savon
Sofia Sebastien
Sophie Serge
Suzanne Simon
Suzette Stuart
Sylvie Sylvan
Symone Teddie
Tallis Theo
Therese Thoreau
Tilde Timeo
Tracia Travis
Trais Tre
Valentine Tristan
Veva Troy
Victoria Ulysse
Violette Urbain
Vivienne Valentin
Yasmina Varden
Yasmine Wyatt
Yvette Younes
Yvonne Yves
Zoe Zacharie

How Did You Come Up With Your Dog’s Name?

How do you come up with name ideas for your dog? Do you look for names that fit their personality? Do you check out name lists (like I do) for inspiration? Do you pick names based on their meaning? Let me know in the comments below.

Still Looking For Dog Name Ideas?

If you’re looking for even more name ideas for your dog be sure to check out the following:


If you’re looking for more French name ideas be sure to check out the following:

500 French Dog Names

Please share with your friends 🙂

The post 500 French Dog Names appeared first on Puppy Leaks.

from Puppy Leaks

500 French Dog Names

via Puppy Leaks

New Embroidered Dog Beds from Dusen Dusen

via Dog MilkDog Milk

New Embroidered Dog Beds from Dusen Dusen

New Embroidered Dog Beds from Dusen Dusen

Perennial faves Dusen Dusen recently released two new dog beds — and we’re obsessed! Terra and Dot each feature bold embroidered patterns on a 100% cotton cover. Don’t have a dog? These 36×27 inch cushions can easily double as floor pillows. Check ’em out on

New Embroidered Dog Beds from Dusen Dusen

New Embroidered Dog Beds from Dusen Dusen

New Embroidered Dog Beds from Dusen Dusen

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© 2019 Dog Milk | Posted by capree in Beds + Furniture | Permalink | No comments

from Dog MilkDog Milk

Arctic Dog

Here’s What You Need To Know To Keep Your Dog Safe And Happy During Extreme Cold Weather

Stuck Inside? Here Are 12 Tips To A Happier, Healthier Indoor Dog

12 Ways to Boost Happiness & Health of your Indoor Canine Companion  

Owning a dog is a lot like having a child- exciting in theory, maybe a little scary at first, but always a beautiful adventure that continues on for as long as any love can. Keeping that child healthy and happy? That’s not always an easy feat. Indoor dogs require a certain kind of awareness to ensure they are getting both equal parts affection and wellness care to keep their tails wagging for days to come. Unlike the latest model of smartphone, our pups don’t come with a manual or a user’s guide, but keeping these 12 simple tips in your wheelhouse can help you boost Fido’s livelihood and outlook whenever he needs it most.



#1- Entertainment is Key

Yes, your dog gets bored too! Spice up the routine by providing toys and changing them out often, open curtains during the day and provide an area where your dog can peek out at the local happenings and use music or TV to lend sound while your away to give him a sense of presence even when no one is around.


#2- Schedules Aren’t Just for You

Structure can be a helpful tool. If your dog learns through consistency that you will leave around a certain time in the morning, say immediately after you let him out everyday, then he has a better chance of relaxing during the quiet time. This decreases his anxiety when you return home and improves his overall mood as you come and go.


holistic vet


#3-Breed Plays a Role

Many factors that will influence your dog’s behavior come from his breed specific needs. Understanding and knowing the characteristics, weaknesses and strengths of his breed can allow you to maintain his health in a way that is unique to his genes.


#4- Exposure, Exposure, Exposure

Setting aside outdoor time is essential. Whether it be for a short walk or a long playdate, exposing your dog to outside senses, new places, people and things can help your dog with sociability and reduce the possibility of aggression.


Looking for more great ways to keep your dog busy indoors? Check out these 13 great ideas!



#5- Gifts Galore

Who doesn’t like a nice present? Your pup is bound to get excited over the prospect of a new toy, chew or an offered bone. Treats like these diminish the monotony of his day-to-day. Plus, they can reinforce good behavior and be used as a positive reward at any time.


#6- Don’t Skip the Vet

A good Veterinarian should provide you with vaccine scheduling and checkups that shouldn’t be missed because these appointments can aid your dog’s physical and emotional well-being. Although you may think you have the best intentions, seeing your animal everyday can act as a blinder to abnormalities or illness, and a fresh set of eyes can be very beneficial.


spoil your dog this holiday


#7- Area & Space

If you’ve got a huge dog, give him a huge space. Take your dog’s size and weight into account when creating an area of his own. Dressing it with plush blankets, a bed, and even some pillows, can facilitate a comfortable location for your dog to control and feel safe in.


#8- Squeaky Clean Hygiene

Indoor dogs need baths too. Setting standards for your dogs hygiene and the cleanliness of his teeth with proper brushing, coat with necessary grooming, and nails with regular trims can combats future issues that may arise from neglecting them.



#9- Food for Thought

Not only does food have an effect over mood and health, but it also has the possibility to change over time. Monitoring the amount your dog eats and when, goes hand in hand with the scheduling of his day, and staying on top of what his meals consist of can mean changing his diet to fit his lifestyle, size, and age.


#10- Now Hiring- Inquire Inside

Dogs love having a 9 to 5. Employ your dog with a job by teaching him tricks, placing him through training, or allowing him to accompany you in tasks around your home to give him a feeling of purpose that may improve his mood and level out his energy.



#11- The Art of Communication

Dogs can’t talk, but they can tell you many things. Learning his body language while teaching him your’s can have a positive effect on your relationship. Remember to be respectful of his space and be sure to differentiate your que’s for commands and praise to avoid confusion.


#12- Unconditional Love = Undivided Attention

Time management becomes even more important when you own a dog. Organizing your time to include moments of undivided attention is crucial for his satisfaction. The good news is that this time can be used for all sorts of things- cuddles, playtime, you name it; just give him your all and he will return the favor tenfold.



A for Effort

Dogs don’t judge, and it’s one of their best qualities. They offer support through thick and thin, through all of the ups and every single down. So, whether you implement 12 of these tips or just your favorite 2, you’re on the right track towards returning the favor and earning your own title of “Dog’s Best Friend”.


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Puppy Born With “Upside Down Paws” Will Soon Walk For The First Time

Milo has been through more in his first three months than most pups go through in a lifetime. The Treeing Walker Coonhound was born with a rare congenital defect in which both elbows are luxated, forcing his paw pads to turn upwards.

Milo’s disability was more than his breeder could handle. When he was 5-weeks-old, she reached out to Jennie Hays, founder of Oliver and Friends Farm Rescue and Sanctuary.

Hays agreed to take him in, not yet realizing the extent of Milo’s disability.

“Initially, they sent me a small video and the quality was pretty crappy,” Hays told Mother Nature Network. “I was surprised when he showed up and thought, ‘Oh wow, this is a severe defect.’ Our regular veterinarian wasn’t able to do surgery on it because it was such a rare condition.”

Rather than walking on all four paws like a healthy puppy, Milo “army crawled” on his chest, using his twisted front legs to pull himself along.

 “He was putting pressure on the sides of his wrists and was getting pressure sores. His chest never left the ground,” Hays said. “It was kind of if we’re going to do something, we better do something now. He was certainly on the road to causing a lot of skeletal issues, too.”

Milo’s surgery was a success, but it wasn’t time to celebrate just yet. The poor little pup was fitted with large casts on both front limbs as well as his chest. Luckily, he quickly learned to adjust.

“When he first came home, when he was first in that full frontal cast, he was miserable,” said Hays. “And he was so confused and I’m sure he was pain. But by the end of that first week, he was like, I guess this is my life now, and he went back to his normal, feisty self. And then he just didn’t seem to notice them anymore.”

After several weeks, Milo had a second procedure to remove the pins from his legs. He is currently staying at the veterinary hospital while he heals and builds his strength. He has months of intensive rehab and physical therapy in his future, but Hays is devoted to continuing his care when he comes home.

Although he is yet to stand on all four paws or walk, Milo is starting to sit up on his own! If he continues to make such wonderful progress, he’ll be running and romping like an average pup in no time!

Milo’s veterinary bills are expected to reach $3,000 or more. In order to care for him and the other dogs, cats and livestock at Oliver and Friends Farm, Hays depends on donations from other animal lovers. You can contribute to Milo’s care through PayPal using the email address: or on Venmo at


H/T to Mother Nature Network

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Runner Rescues Puppy During Marathon Then Carries Her 19 Miles To The Finish Line

Marathon runners train for months or even years to prepare their bodies and minds for the arduous 26.2 mile trek. Khemjira Klongsanun of Bangkok, Thailand is no exception. But when she came across a tiny puppy along the roadside about 7 miles into a local race, she dropped everything to rescue her. Klongsanun went on to finish the marathon, running 19 miles with the pup cradled in her arms!

The pooch contentedly bobbed along with her rescuer, happy to join the event!

Rather than handing the little hitchhiker off to a spectator or taking her to a shelter, Klongsanun brought her home to join her family!

She named the puppy Nong Chom after the district in Thailand where she was found.

Nong Chom quickly adjusted to life as a kept pup!

And after a trip to the vet, Klongsanun brought Nong Chom back to the spot where she was found to look for her mom and siblings.

Unfortunately, no other dogs were found. It seems the tiny gal was truly on her own that day. Thank DOG her mom came along to save her!

Klongsanun may not have won the marathon, but her heroic actions mean she will always be first place in Nong Chom’s heart!


H/T to The Dodo

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Arctic Dog

via Dogshaming

ParsleyPet Nutritional Blueprint Testing Kit Review

via Keep the Tail Wagging

ParsleyPet Nutritional Blueprint Testing Kit Review

I was given one free Nutritional Blueprint Testing Kit from in exchange for my honest thoughts on the experience.  I chose to purchase three more kits so that I could test all of my dogs. What is Nutritional Blueprint Testing? “This is a simple and non-invasive way to discover if your pet is deficient […]

from Keep the Tail Wagging

Winston – 3 year old male Bulldog Cross

Winston! What to say about this lovely boy?! He’s 3 years old male Bulldog Cross, good with other dogs and cats. Has been fab around children but given his size and breed we are only considering kids 10+. He’s a stunning Bulldog cross boy with typical stubborn bulldog traits and we are looking for an experienced home for him.

He’s neutered, vaccinated and chipped. Currently in Derbyshire but we are looking at foster or forever homes.

from Dogs for Adoption & Rescue –

Winston – 3 year old male Bulldog Cross

via Dogs for Adoption & Rescue –

Raccoon – 4 year old female Collie Cross

Raccoon is a four year old Collie cross (who really really does look like a raccoon!). Raccoon fostered in Hingham Norfolk (FR006). Raccoon is a sweet and comical little girl who has survived the horrors of a public shelter in Romania. She’s rather dithery around new people as she dances around you smiling but jumps back when you put a hand towards her.

However this is a girl that likes her food and as soon as she learns you’re a good dispenser you’ve got yourself a new best friend!

Raccoon gets on well with other dogs but would be equally happy as an only dog. She will need regular grooming as she’s really mostly just fluff. Raccoon has never been on a lead before coming here but has picked it up fast and just needs to gain confidence in new surroundings.

If you are interested in offering Raccoon a home please call between 9am and 6pm

from Dogs for Adoption & Rescue –

Baxter – 7 month old male Labrador Cross

Baxter is a seven month old black Labrador cross. Baxter is a bouncy and playful pup that’s not had the ideal start in life. He was rescued from the streets of Romania and brought to the UK via a private adopter. Unfortunately his ordeal in Romania had left him quite nervous and being placed straight into the hub of a family was overload for him and he didn’t cope well. We offered to step in and help with his transition to family life and he’s now ready for his own forever home. Baxter (Rosco) is fostered in Norfolk (FR007).

Baxter is a lively boy, basically a giant puppy. In his foster home he is now cuddly, relaxed and confident. His manners are improving, he is learning commands but will need someone to continue training and human socialisation. Baxter is nervous of strangers, particularly their hands, he will bark and sometimes shows fearful aggression, this seems to be worse with people who are not female. There’s is a man is his foster home who he loves so with time and patience he can learn to trust them but will need a lot of work with this and not to be allowed to show aggression by lunging.

Baxter loves other dogs so would like canine companionship but he is very bouncy so they would have to like to play. There are cats in his foster home and he has never shown aggression to them. Baxter needs plenty of exercise and his recall is good when roaming, he is great at the park but will need more lead training to walk nicely on a close lead and not pull. His main issue is being afraid and reactive to new people, aside from that he is a pleasure to be around. His fractured start in life has been hard on him but he’s now coming out of his shell and will make someone a loving and affectionate companion. He loves his walks and is excellent off lead.

If you are interested please call or message us between 9am and 6pm

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Raccoon – 4 year old female Collie Cross

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Baxter – 7 month old male Labrador Cross

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Noah – 2 year old male Cross-Breed

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Thea – 2 year old female Miniature Dachshund

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Tara – 18 month old female Cross-Breed

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Noah – 2 year old male Cross-Breed

Noah is a two year old medium sized Cross-Breed. Noah’s story is a heartbreaking one to tell. He was rescued from the Unirea public shelter in Romania and sent to be cared for at a paid foster until he could find a home. Noah is fostered in Gorleston Norfolk (FR055). Noah fostered with Nicola.

What his very well intentioned rescuers didn’t realize was that the fosterer was a scammer and was picketing all the money sent to care for the dogs and starving them to death. When the truth was finally all uncovered what was found was to become known as the garden of death and there were just two skeletal survivors, Noah being one of them.

To meet this boy who has been through such a horrific ordeal is humbling. He loves people and other dogs and has no visible issues from surviving such trauma. He walks nicely on a lead, adores children, wags his tail constantly and appears to be mr sociable in all environments and situations. He has the most enchanting and gentle eyes and whoever gets to adopt him will be incredibly lucky.

If you can offer Noah a home please call us between 9am and 6pm

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Thea – 2 year old female Miniature Dachshund

Thea is a 2 year old female Miniature Dachshund. She was taken along to a neutering campaign in Hunedoara Romania last November and had a huge tumour. Of course she couldn’t be neutered and put back on the streets in that state so was taken into a clinic to be operated on and restored to health. Thea is fostered in Hingham (FR006).

Thea is now here in the UK in foster and is an absolute sweetheart. She will dance around and jump up for a fuss but backs away as you put out a hand and cowers. She’s clearly been hit and flinches to the touch but she still keeps pushing herself forward for live and attention as she’s clearly desperate to beat the demons of her past. Thea will sit in your lap and loves face to face contact and kisses she just needs a little more time to relax when being touched and that will come in time.

Thea mixes well with other dogs and is a quiet and contented little dog who asks very little out of life. She loves children and seems to trust their little hands more than adult ones. I think life has probably been quite tough for Thea. Her poor physical state when found, and clear signs she’s never been in a house before she came here, certainly do not add up to the pampered life that we are searching for her now!

If you are interested please call or message us between 9am and 6pm.

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Tara – 18 month old female Cross-Breed

Tara is an eighteen month old largish Cross-Breed. Tara fostered in Norwich (FR076). Tara was living in the streets of Romania until the day the dog catchers came and took her to the public shelter. She was rescued back in November and kept safe until we could bring her to a UK foster home.

She is a very friendly girl with a lot of love to give. She walks well on a lead and travels well in a car. She is playful and will need a fairly active home as she’s still so young. Tara mixes well with other dogs except around food which is being worked on in her foster home.

If you are interested please call or message us between 9am and 6pm.

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Lydia – 4 year old female Cross-Breed

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Labuta – 5 year old male Cross-Breed

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Solan – 2-3 year old male Cross-Breed

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Prudence – 2 year old female French Bulldog

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dog species

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