
Home for Dogs,Kittens And Friends

Friday 31 August 2018

6 Reasons Why Dogs Pant

You’ve seen your dog pant. When you’re running around together, it’s not unusual for you both to be panting! We like to think it’s because they’re happy – and panting does look like a big happy smile, right? But for pups, panting is multi-purpose. Some dogs may even be panting for a reason that requires the attention of a vet. Knowing why dogs pant and paying attention can tip you off and help you take better care of your dog.

 1. To Cool Off

Your dog doesn’t sweat like a human would, but he has other ways of keeping cool. Many dogs love to cool off in pools or puddles of water or mud. But the reason why dogs pant when they’re hot is to circulate air through their bodies to keep their body temperature down. If you notice your dog panting while you’re out in hot weather, take a break, make sure he stays hydrated, and find some shade or air conditioning for you both.

 2. Heat Stroke

Keeping your dog in the heat too long can lead to heat stroke. Shade and water can help stave it off, but your dog can still overheat even if he has access to those things. It’s best to keep your dog with you, not outside for long periods of time or alone in a car. We know one of the reasons why dogs pant is to cool down, but it’s not enough to avoid heat stroke. Learn How To Spot – And Treat – Heat Stroke In Your Dog.

 3. Anxiety

Excessive panting can also be a sign that your dog is anxious or afraid. You may notice “stress panting” when you introduce your dog to new situations. Loud noises like fireworks and thunderstorms can also set his anxiety off. If you think your dogs pant because of fear or stress, see if you spot any of the 10 Signs Your Dog Has Anxiety.

 4. Illness

Some dogs pant when they become sick – particularly with respiratory disease or heart issues. Respiratory disease can make it difficult for your dog to breathe, often causing sneezing and coughing, or clogging his sinuses. Heart disease can send the heart rate up suddenly, making dogs pant to get enough air to catch their breath. If your dog is panting while resting, be sure to see a vet. See these Top 5 Signs Of Heart Disease In Dogs if you think your dog may have heart issues.

 5. Allergies

Dogs pant when they suffer from allergies too. If you’ve ever had them, you know how difficult breathing can become. Airways can become inflamed or constricted, causing your dog to breathe harder. Listen for wheezing, and check if your dog has any of the other 10 Signs Your Dog Is Suffering From Seasonal Allergies.

 6. Poisoning

A panting dog can be a sign that your dog has ingested poison. Dogs who may have been poisoned may also be lethargic, or may be vomiting. Poison may not always be what you think it is – there are many things we keep around our homes that can be harmful to our dogs. You probably have at least one of the 10 Foods You Didn’t Know Could Hurt Your Pup in your home right now. Make sure to keep your counters clear and a lid on your trash cans.



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Dog Raincoats from Pawkier

Dog Raincoats from Pawkier

I know it’s still technically summer, but inclement weather will be here before you know it. Be a scout and “be prepared” with these 100% waterproof raincoats from Pawkier! Available with blue or white trim, these jackets feature some fun design details reminiscent of classic NYC taxi cabs. Check out size options and shop Pawkier’s complete collection of doggy apparel at

Dog Raincoats from Pawkier

Dog Raincoats from Pawkier

Dog Raincoats from Pawkier

Dog Raincoats from Pawkier

Photo: @paulthecorgi

Dog Raincoats from Pawkier

Photo: @paulthecorgi

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© 2018 Dog Milk | Posted by capree in Clothing | Permalink | No comments

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Dog Raincoats from Pawkier

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Gracie gets in trash

I got into the TRASH at a BBQ and Enjoyed a Hotdog… It was DELICIOUS!

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from Dogshaming


via Modern Dog magazine blogs


August 31, 2018
mutt lynch

Mutt Lynch Winery in Windsor, CA, is known for its unique and irreverent wines. Recently, they proudly announced the debut of their newest Artist Series wines at a recent Winemaker and Artists Reception at the winery’s tasting room!

The Artist Series showcases very limited production wines from Owner and Winemaker Brenda Lynch, and the amazing artwork of three talented Northern California artists-- Christie Marks, Glenyse Henschel and Barbara Lawrence.

“When we launched our first Artist Series wines 10 years ago, we never realized how enduring the concept would be. People immediately responded to how the artwork and the wine complemented each other, and reflected our collective passion for all things dog. We think the new artwork is brilliant and will evoke the same enthusiastic reaction” said winery Owner and Winemaker, Brenda Lynch. 

These hand-crafted and hand-selected wines are stunning gifts for the holiday season The Artist Series along with the winery’s other special collections – Wines That Give Back and Leader of the Pack are all expected to be featured prominently as stunning gifting opportunities during the 2018 holiday season.

In keeping with the winery’s core mission of supporting local non-profits, 25% of Artist Series proceeds will be donated to the Sebastopol Center for the Arts.

About Mutt Lynch

For over 25 years, Chris and Brenda Lynch have combined their love of winemaking and dogs into Mutt Lynch Winery. Since its inception, the winery has donated a portion of all annual proceeds to animal rescue organizations.  

For more information visit:

About Sebastopol Center for the Arts

Sebastopol Center for the Arts is a dynamic community arts organization committed to cultivating creativity and inspiration. For over 30 years, SCA has been a destination for artists and arts enthusiasts. Their award-winning programs aim to provide ways to experience and explore culture through diverse forms of creative expression.

SCA presents several art exhibitions, musical performances and classes and events in Visual, Performing, Literary, Ceramics, Open Studios and Film Arts throughout the year. The ongoing success of SCA is attributed to the passion and commitment of its artists, teachers, volunteers and generous supporters.

For more information visit:

Teaser Image: 
mutt lynch
Teaser Text: 
Mutt Lynch Winery in Windsor, CA, is known for its unique and irreverent wines. Recently, they proudly announced the debut of their newest Artist Series wines at a recent Winemaker and Artists Reception at the winery’s tasting room!

from Modern Dog magazine blogs

Gracie gets in trash

via Dogshaming

If Your Dog Is Lethargic, It’s Time To Figure Out Why

You know your dog better than anyone, but that doesn’t make it easy to know when she’s not feeling well. She can’t come out and tell you she’s ill, and that leaves you to worry and wonder when something seems “off.”

Decreased activity is one of the most common symptoms of canine illness. Commonality, however, doesn’t make it easy to identify or interpret. If your dog is lethargic, there’s always a reason. The trick is knowing what that reason is. It could be something as simple as a sore muscle or as life-threatening as cancer. Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know.

What a Lethargic Dog Looks Like

The average dog sleeps about 10 hours a day, and they spend several more hours being awake but inactive. Your pup’s normal activity level will largely depend on her breed and age, and the more time you spend with her, the better you’ll know what her “normal” actually looks like. It’s important to have a general idea of your dog’s energy level so if it changes, you can recognize the difference between having a lazy day and being lethargic.

When a dog is lethargic, she stops doing the things she usually enjoys. She’d rather lay in the grass than chase a tennis ball, and her bin of tug toys remains untouched. A dog suffering from lethargy won’t respond to her name, and she’ll stay in bed long after her usual wake-up call. It might take some seriously yummy treats to convince her to get up, and she’ll be slow and disinterested during her regular walk.

Reasons a Dog is Lethargic

Once you’ve determined your dog is indeed acting unusually inactive, your next step is to determine the cause. Unfortunately, lethargy is related to a long list of illnesses and issues. Here are the top five categories that could be causing your canine to slow down.

my dog is lethargic

#1 – Illness

When you’re sick, all you want to do is lay in bed and watch Netflix. Your dog might choose listening to a dog-friendly audiobook over binge watching the newest Netflix original, but it’s normal for them to want to take it easy when they’re not feeling well. The list of possible illnesses is far too long to include in this one article, but your dog could be showing symptoms of anything from kennel cough to cancer.

Parvovirus is common in young dogs and puppies, and dogs that love the outdoors are at risk of contracting a bacterial disease called leptosporosis. There’s also the chance your dog has diabetes or heart disease. All of these scary-sounding illnesses might have you rushing to the vet right away, but not every bout of lethargy is life threatening.

#2 – Pain

A long hike, extra time at the dog park, or an awkward jump off the couch have potential to slow your dog down. Dogs suffer from sore muscles just like people do. If you notice your dog is lethargic the day after a lot of physical activity, she might have over done it. Weekend warriors are dogs that spend Monday through Friday on the couch and every weekend doing things like climbing mountains and going on long runs with their humans. Those long stretches of inactivity coupled with short bursts of overexertion aren’t good for your dog’s body. Her lethargy could be a simple case of too much exercise in too short a time period.

my dog is lethargic

If it’s not muscle pain, your dog could be hiding a more serious injury or even something like a snake bite. The next time you sit down to cuddle your pup, take time to examine her body for cuts and areas of swelling. Dogs with long hair are good at hiding their injuries, and even the smallest cuts can become infected.

#3 – Something They Ate

Dogs don’t realize things like chocolate and onions can make them sick, and they greedily gobble down everything they can get their mouths on. It doesn’t even have to be food—dogs eat cardboard, plastic, your shoes, and your pup might have snagged the aspirin bottle you forgot to put away. Dogs that have histories of counter surfing often end up eating dangerous things and paying for it with upset tummies. Eating too fast can also make a dog feel sick and lethargic.

Other potential toxins to consider are plants that are poisonous to dogs and pesticides. Sometimes dogs get over their stomach pangs with no harm done, but some foods and household items lead to serious medical issues.

#4 – Fear and Anxiety

It might not be your dog’s body that’s keeping her off her feet—it could be her mind. Dr. Becker lists lethargy as one of the main symptoms of depression in dogs. Dogs can feel depressed because of the sudden absence of a loved one, lack of attention, or general instability in their lives.

my dog is lethargic

If a diagnosis of depression doesn’t seem like the right fit, your dog could be afraid or anxious. A new family member in the house, or even a new piece of furniture, can easily freak out a nervous dog. Her fear of the unknown can convince her to hide or stay in one place. How much she feels like moving around and interacting with people may also have to do with her anxiety. PetCareRX says,

“Some dogs want to be alone when they are experiencing anxiety. They may hide out of fear or move away from people and other pets.”

#5 – Medication Side Effects

The downside of many prescribed medications is they almost always come with side effects. Lethargy is one of the most common. Sometimes lethargy is a side effect all on its own, but it’s possible a dog is lethargic because of a completely different side effect. According to PetMd, for example, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications used to treat chronic pain are known to cause liver and kidney damage. You won’t be able to tell right away that something bad is happening in your dog’s organs, but if a dog is lethargic, they might be suffering from liver or kidney failure due to a medication.

You’ll have to speak to a vet and gauge your dog’s well-being to decide if the benefits of the medication outweigh the side effects. If they don’t, it might be time to shift away from medications and toward natural treatments like CBD oil.

dog is lethargic

When to be Concerned

Not every situation warrants a visit to the vet, but knowing when it’s time to make an appointment could save your dog’s life. If your dog is lethargic, and she also meets one or more of these points, it’s best to call your veterinarian.

  • Lethargy lasts more than 24 hours
  • Prolonged lack of appetite (refusing more than one meal)
  • Consistent coughing/sneezing
  • Bloody diahrea
  • Bloody vomit
  • Temperature above 103 degrees

Whether you’ve noticed a gradual decrease in your dog’s activity or she suddenly show signs of lethargy, your best plan of action is to continue observing her. Monitor her behavior and look for additional symptoms of illness. If she still seems “off” after one day, feel free to call your vet. They might recommend you bring her in right away or suggest waiting a few days. Either way, it’s best to keep your vet involved.

Sources: VetStreetPetMdPetCareRX, Mercola Healthy Pets

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10 Ways To Ensure Your Dog Stays Safe During A Grooming Session

All dogs need at least a little bit of grooming over the course of their lifetime, even if it’s only regular nail trims and the occasional bath. Whether you groom your dog yourself or take them to a groomer, it should be a positive experience for your dog. Unfortunately, things can go wrong and accidents can happen. Luckily, there are things you can do to help ensure your dog stays safe during a grooming session.

Tips for grooming your dog yourself

#1 – Give your dog plenty of treats during and after grooming

Your dog should look forward to your grooming sessions rather than dreading them. A happy dog is more likely to hold still. Most accidents occur because a dog is wiggling or trying to get away.

#2 – Never use scissors to cut out mats

This is one of the top causes of owners accidentally injuring their dogs. Use a #10 blade on clippers to gently shave off mats. Skin can get pulled up into tight mats, making it easy to cut the skin if you try using scissors to cut mats out.

#3 – Go slow

Rushing is another common way for accidents to happen. Break grooming into several smaller sessions if necessary to keep yourself and your dog calm. There’s no worse feeling than injuring your dog because you were rushing their grooming.

#4 – Do your research

Whether you watch a ton of YouTube videos or talk to a professional groomer, learn as much as you can before grooming your dog to avoid the most preventable accidents.

Tips for finding a groomer

#1 – Ask about their experience

Currently, no state in the United States requires groomers to have any licensing. The facilities may be licensed, but the groomers themselves are not. That means anybody can buy a pair of clippers, watch a couple of videos, and declare themselves a groomer. There’s a huge learning curve in grooming. Look for somebody who has been grooming for at least 5 years.

While there isn’t any mandatory licensing for groomers, there are ways to get certified. Groomers with certifications have taken the time, expense, and often travel to go through intense written and practical testing to prove their skills. They may charge more than other groomers, but their certification shows their dedication to their craft.

Bonus points go to groomers who are familiar with how to do CPR on dogs.

#2 – Ask about the equipment being used

In particular, ask what kind of dryer or dryers the groomer uses. Kennel dryers can cause problems for brachycephalic (flat-nosed) dog breeds. Heated dryers can cause dogs to overheat. And high-velocity dryers can be frightening for sensitive dogs. Good groomers will know the best way to dry various breeds and personalities of dogs safely.

You also want to make sure the facility looks and smells clean. You may not be allowed into the grooming area for liability reasons, but unless a mess is actively being cleaned up, the grooming salon should smell clean and there shouldn’t be excessive amounts of hair on the floor.

#3 – Communicate clearly with the groomer

Is your dog afraid of the dryer? Does he panic if placed in a kennel? Do they tend to bite when having their nails trimmed? The more information you can give the groomer, the easier it is for the groomer to keep your fur child safe during the grooming appointment. Don’t be embarrassed to admit that your dog has problems with certain parts of the grooming process. A good groomer will be able to work around those things, especially if they’re aware of them ahead of time.

Having detailed conversations with the groomer at the beginning of the appointment also ensures the groomer knows exactly what type of haircut you’re looking for, reducing the chances of you coming back to a surprise when your dog doesn’t look at all the way you expected.

#4 – Watch how the groomer does other dogs…but not your own

It’s great to watch how the groomer handles dogs during the grooming process – but if your dog can see or smell you, they are likely to act up during the grooming because they will be trying to get to you instead of being calm for the groomer. Watching your dog get groomed can actually CAUSE accidents sometimes. Unless there’s a way to watch the process without your dog seeing you, it’s safer not to watch. Do ask if a groomer uses cameras in their salon – if you suspect your dog was abused during an appointment, a camera can show exactly what happened.

#5 – Look for reviews

These days, there are plenty of opportunities for people to leave reviews of groomers, whether it’s on Google, Yelp, or the business’s Facebook page. Keep in mind that accidents can happen, and there may be the occasional nasty review, but a groomer or grooming salon should have overall positive reviews.

#6 – Stick with one groomer and see them regularly

Infrequent grooming with a different person every time can cause dogs A LOT of stress, which increases the chances of an accident happening. If your dog can develop a relationship with one groomer who they see on a regular basis (usually at least every 8 weeks, depending on the breed), your dog will know what to expect from the grooming appointment and will be more relaxed, reducing the odds of any accidents happening.

This also allows the groomer to get to know your dog and recognize any changes in him. Groomers are often able to spot health changes (like bumps, skin changes, fur changes, or personality changes) before owners who see their dogs every day.

(H/T: People, TODAY, She Knows)

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Easy Raw Cat Food Recipe with Rad Cat Venison

Welcome to Raw Foodie Friday where I'll be sharing recipes of what I feed to my dogs; except this week, I'm going to be writing about what I feed my cat.   This Week is About the Cat – Cosmo Every week, I receive an email from someone who wants me to give them a […]

from Keep the Tail Wagging

Easy Raw Cat Food Recipe with Rad Cat Venison

via Keep the Tail Wagging

Weekly Pet Travel Photo Challenge


Weekly Pet Travel Photo Challenge

Photo copyright: Linda deBrauwere

Welcome to this week’s Pet Travel Photo Challenge … where we post your pet travel pictures, and you guess the pet friendly destinations!

Last Week’s Winner

Thanks to everyone who played last week, and congratulations to Debbi P. of Shawnee, Kansas – she recognized this pet friendly destination as Frying Pan Lakes near Basalt, Colorado. We hope you enjoy the new pet ID tag, Debbi!

Photo copyright: Instagram user @drmotley_thegolden

Photo copyright: Instagram user @drmotley_thegolden

Let’s See Your Photos …

Mucho barko to Instagram user @drmotley_thegolden for sharing last week’s pet travel photo. If you want your pet to be a star, submit your photos or tag us on Instagram and they could be featured on, too!

This Week’s Photo Challenge

You can’t win if you don’t play! If you can guess where the photo below was taken, submit your answer in the entry form.

For the winner …

Each week we randomly select one winner from the correct entries to receive a customized ID tag for their pet!

PetHub Tag Design for

And the photo is …

This week’s gorgeous photo of Floki and Siggi was submitted by Linda deBrauwere. Can you guess where they’re posing?

Photo copyright: Linda deBrauwere

Photo copyright: Linda deBrauwere

Hint: These lakes, located near the continental divide, form the headwaters of the Fryingpan River.

Contest entry …

The Fine Print

This week’s contest closes on Wednesday, September 5, 2018 at 11:59 pm EST. The contest is open to US and Canadian residents over the age of 18, except in Quebec and where prohibited by law. All correct submissions will be assigned a number and the winner will be selected using The winner will be notified by email. The decision of the judges is final. The winner of the prize is responsible for any and all applicable taxes on the prize. Employees of are not eligible to win. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.

Planning a pet friendly trip of your own? We’ll make it easy:
Pet Friendly Accommodations | Pet Friendly Destinations | Pet Friendly Road Trip Planner

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Lab Report: Bonded brothers Mario & Jack have found themselves in rescue at age 12

via Life With Dogs

Short spine, feel fine! Cute “pibble” Cuda is the queen of the house.

via Life With Dogs

Lab Report: Bonded brothers Mario & Jack have found themselves in rescue at age 12

These lovely brothers are playful, friendly, leash-trained and good with children. Just look at those sweet, silver faces!

from Life With Dogs

Short spine, feel fine! Cute “pibble” Cuda is the queen of the house.

Cuda the hunchback hound is as happy as a house hippo could be!

from Life With Dogs

Is My Dog A Senior? How To Determine A Dog’s Real Age

Determining a dog’s real age is far more complicated than simply multiplying by seven for every “human” year. According to veterinarians and researchers, size and breed both play major roles in canine aging.

From tiny Teacup Poodles to giant Great Danes; there simply cannot be a one-size-fits-all calculation for the entire species.

study led by Dr. Kate Creevy of the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine found that while small dogs have the aging advantage later in life, they age faster in the first two years. On the other hand, very large dogs can take up to two years to reach full maturity, but may only live another five or six years.

“Small dogs reach skeletal and reproductive maturity sooner than larger breeds,” Creevy said in an interview with BBC. “Once they’ve achieved those measures of adulthood, they carry on to live longer.”

Strangely, this phenomenon only appears in dogs. Dr. Creevy chocks it up to the fact that no other species has such a diverse range of sizes. To determine your dog’s real age, she recommends the following guidelines:

For the first two years:

  • Small dogs: 12.5 years per human year
  • Medium sized dogs: 10.5 years per human year
  • Large dogs: 9 years per human year

For dogs three and up, breed begins to come into play. For example, Bulldogs have shorter life expectancies due to their high risk of respiratory crisis. Larger canines like Golden Retrievers and Boxers have a much higher chance of dying from cancer, and are more likely to succumb to intestinal diseases or musculoskeletal problems.

Taking this into account, add the following number of years for each additional “human year” to calculate the age of these popular breeds:

  • Dachshund (Miniature) 4.32
  • Border Terrier 4.47
  • Lhasa Apso 4.49
  • Shih Tzu 4.78
  • Whippet 5.30
  • Chihuahua 4.87
  • West Highland Terrier 4.96
  • Beagle 5.20
  • Miniature Schnauzer 5.46
  • Cocker Spaniel 5.55
  • Cavalier King Charles 5.77
  • Pug 5.95
  • French Bulldog 7.65
  • Springer Spaniel 5.46
  • Labrador Retriever 5.74
  • Golden Retriever 5.74
  • Staffordshire Bull Terrier 5.33
  • Bulldog 13.42
  • German Shepherd 7.84
  • Boxer 8.90

So the real age of a 7-year-old Miniature Dachshund is 46.6 in “dog years”, while a 7-year-old Boxer is more like 62.5.

Determining a dog’s real age becomes more complicated if the biological age is unknown and/or the pooch is a mixed breed. With these dogs, taking a peek at the teeth can be quite helpful.

These canine dental facts can help you approximate your dog’s biological age:

  • at 8 weeks: All baby teeth are in.
  • by 7 months: All permanent teeth are in and are white and clean.
  • 1-2 years: Teeth are duller and the back teeth may have some yellowing.
  • 3-5 years: All teeth may have tartar buildup and some tooth wear.
  • 5-10 years: Teeth show more wear and signs of disease.
  • 10-15 years: Teeth are worn, and heavy tartar buildup is likely. Some teeth may be missing.

However, keep in mind the extent of dental damage and disease will vary based on breed mix and previous lifestyle. Many rescue dogs suffer from broken or rotten teeth due to poor nutrition and past trauma.

No matter the dog’s age or breed, he should receive dental care to prevent serious problems like bone loss, infections, and organ damage. After a thorough veterinary exam and a professional cleaning (if needed), you can begin a routine of brushing with enzymatic toothpaste, giving dental treats, and even playing with tooth-cleaning toys!

The condition of the skin and coat can also give clues to a dog’s real age.

Grey hair around the muzzle, face, legs and body usually mean a dog has reached senior status. The skin also tends to lose moisture with age, resulting in dryness and a brittle-feeling coat.

In addition to promoting healthy digestion, high-quality probiotics can help improve skin and coat quality. The digestive enzymes in Pronine™ Flora 4-in-1 allow dogs to better absorb the nutrients in their food and eliminate toxins in the body, resulting in healthier skin.

To combat itching and restore your senior dog’s soft, lustrous coat, Omega fatty acids (OFAs) are a must. Omega 3-6-9 Select Chews from Project Paws® are made from sustainably-sourced krill oil to support a soft, silky coat, minimize normal shedding, and maintain the skin’s moisture content.

Take a long gaze into your dog’s eyes.

Do they appear cloudy or have a bluish film? This could indicate common signs of aging such as lenticular sclerosis (the hardening of the lenses) or cataracts. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for healthy eye maintenance. Several studies suggest they may even protect against degenerative ocular disorders such as glaucoma.

Finally, you may be able to determine a dog’s real age based on his joint health.

Older dogs often suffer from muscle wasting around their hips and shoulders. Arthritis and fluid loss in the joint spaces cause them to walk with a stiff, peg-legged gait. Some may even have trouble getting up from a laying position, climbing into the car, or managing stairs.

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) is an Omega-3 fatty acid found in krill oil and known for its exceptional anti-inflammatory properties. It helps ease inflammatory conditions of the heart, kidneys, skin and joints – including arthritis. While OFAs are especially important for senior dogs, it’s never too early to start protecting their skin, eye, and joint health with Omega 3-6-9 Select Chews.

Another powerful product in the fight against canine arthritis is Project Paws® Advanced Hip & Joint Chews. Packed with a unique combination of anti-inflammatory ingredients like glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM; these bacon-flavored treats provide improved flexibility, strengthened cartilage, and natural relief from joint distress.

For dogs with food sensitivities, try our Hypoallergenic Hip and Joint supplement. These great-tasting chews are grain-free, gluten-free and soy-free to suit almost any special diet. The powerful blend of nutrients supports normal joint function, flexibility, and healthy joint cartilage.

No matter your dog’s age, they’re only as old as they feel. So keep them feeling great!


H/T to BBC & Web MD Pets

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A Perfect Pairing: How Omegas & Probiotics Can Help Ease Allergies

Since the release of our Pronine™ Flora 4-in-1 Canine Probiotic, Prebiotic, Digestive Enzyme, Herb Supplement, people have been asking whether or not they should switch their dog to that from the Project Paws® Omega 3-6-9 Select Chews to help control their dog’s allergies. While each product individually can help reduce symptoms of allergies, the products work differently and actually work best in conjunction with each other to reduce your dog’s itching and scratching.

Omega-3 helps reduce inflammation. Inflammation can cause all sorts of health problems including allergies, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, heart disease, diabetes, liver or kidney disease, and cancer. According to Dr. Angie Krause, DVM:

“Every dog should be on an omega-3 fatty acid supplement. Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to help decrease inflammation and benefit organ function. For some itchy dogs, this [is] all they need to drastically improve their itch. Giving your dog omega-3 fatty acids can significantly reduce the amount of steroids that it will take to eliminate biting, scratching and chewing.”

Probiotics are different. 70% of all your dog’s immune cells live in his gut. Probiotics add beneficial bacteria to your dog’s gut, which can help improve his immune function. An improved immune system can better handle things like allergies. According to Marcella D. Ridgway, VMD, MS, DACVIM:

“A daily probiotic supplement may also provide some ancillary benefits for dogs such as better skin and coat appearance, a reduction in gas, improved breath, a reduction of allergy symptoms, a reduction in yeast-associated disorders, and help in regulating bowel function.”

Since Project Paws® Omega 3-6-9 Select Chews and Pronine™ Flora 4-in-1 Canine Probiotic, Prebiotic, Digestive Enzyme, Herb Supplement work differently to help control your dog’s allergy symptoms, the combination of both products should offer the optimum benefit for your fur child.

Whether you choose to use one or both products to help reduce your dog’s allergy symptoms, you should definitely consider signing up for AUTOSHIP. With AUTOSHIP, you don’t need to worry about running out of the products that help your pup live his best life. His supplements are delivered on a predetermined schedule, which you can change, pause, or cancel at any time. Plus, you’ll save 5% on each purchase by using AUTOSHIP!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified healthcare professional.

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2 Passengers Charged With Sexual Assault Aboard Aircraft as F.B.I. Cracks Down:
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Thursday 30 August 2018

There’s no stopping Stella

via The Trupanion Blog

There’s no stopping Stella

Stella came to us at 8 weeks old. She and six other puppies were born in the back of a car en route to a dog rescue. We fell in love with her the minute we found her online and adopted her from SCT Retrievers Pet Rescue. She was full of energy. Since her mother […]

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from The Trupanion Blog

5 Ways You May Be Hurting Your Dog’s Feelings Without Even Knowing It

A Harvard psychologist recently declared that when dogs dream they are likely reliving their experiences with their humans. Those yips and kicks we see are their reactions to either pleasing us or annoying us in dreamland.

For better or worse, our dogs’ entire lives revolve around us. If they do not get enough of our time or that time is marred by unwarranted punishments, it can leave lasting emotional scars.

Dog owners usually make one of these 5 mistakes because they simply do not understand canine behavior. It’s important to know why dogs do the things they do in order to avoid inadvertently damaging your precious relationship.

1. Rubbing Their Nose In It

Think about it, you use the bathroom during the 6 – 10 hours that you are at work, right? Chances are your dog also has to go during that time, and sometimes he or she may not be able to hold it. Once a dog is potty trained, accidents in the house can be a sign of distress, physical illness, or simply going too long without a break.

Yelling or “rubbing their nose in it” will not teach your dog to potty outside, but it will teach him to fear you and unnecessarily hurt his feelings.

2. Not Providing Enough Playtime 

It’s one thing to halfheartedly pat your pup on the head as you breeze through the door with an armload of groceries, it’s quite another to set aside designated one-on-one time. No matter how busy your life is, it’s important to prioritize time to do something your dog enjoys. Whether it’s 10 minutes of fetch, a nice evening walk or just cuddle time on the couch, a dog’s level of happiness depends on the attention they receive from their favorite humans.

3. Punishing Fearful Behavior

Cowering, raised hackles, flattened ears, tucked tails and growling are all signs that your pup is not comfortable in a particular situation. What they need at these times is to be calmly and quietly removed from the upsetting stimulus. Yelling and over-assertiveness on your part will only escalate the situation. Fearful behavior can often be mistaken for aggression in dogs and vice versa, so if this is an issue you are dealing with, contact a professional trainer.

4. Being Inconsistent With The Rules

We are probably all guilty of this from time to time. It doesn’t matter whether you have one household rule for your dog or fifty. What does matter is remaining consistent. If sleeping on the furniture is a no-no, don’t decide to let your pup snuggle on the bed while you’re sick, then punish him the next day when he hops up for a nap! The same goes for leash-pulling, begging and jumping up.

5. Segregation From The Pack

The one thing on earth that will hurt your dog more than anything else is keeping him away from his family. Remember, you are his whole world! Some owners are unable or unwilling to provide the necessary training that dogs need in order to understand what is expected of them. These misunderstood pups are labeled “bad” and isolated to a kennel or backyard – possibly even abandoned.

Dogs want to make us happy. More than treats or toys they crave our love and approval. If you are having trouble with your dog’s behavior, seek professional help from your veterinarian or an experienced dog trainer.


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How Socialization Can Improve a Dog’s Behavior

Just like humans, dogs have unique personalities of their own! Some are naturally outgoing and friendly, while others can be shy and timid. However, the personality and behavior of your dog can be influenced by their surroundings and experiences. Ensuring that your pup is properly socialized with both humans and dogs is important for fostering positive and healthy habits.

Puppies have a socialization period that can start as early as 3 weeks old. During this time, they soak up a lot of information about their environment. If they are not exposed to a variety of people, animals, social interactions and noises, they may be more likely to become anxious and potentially aggressive later in life.

Reward and Correct

When a dog is unsure of their surroundings and fearful about how an experience may go, they may become stressed, which could make them appear hostile and aggressive. Taking a poorly socialized pup to a dog park can be a stressful for both the pet parent and the dog and can lead to altercations with other dogs and humans. Meanwhile, taking a stressed-out dog to the vet can result in an elevated heart rate, which may lead to an inaccurate diagnosis. It is important to socialize your dog so they stay relaxed around new people and environments.

Some pet parents feel too guilty about correcting bad behavior to teach their dogs about rules, boundaries and limitations. It’s important to remember that dogs do not resent us for correcting them; instead they are happy to be learning and growing. This is why we have to make sure we only show our dog affection when they are in a calm and submissive state. We must reward the behavior we do want and correct the behavior we don’t.

Foster Relationships

It’s best to start socializing your dog when they’re young, either at puppy school or with other dogs in your neighborhood. A big part of learning ‘puppy etiquette’ is allowing them to be around other dogs so they can follow their lead.  They’ll learn when a dog wants to interact with them and when they should respect others’ space. When a dog is playing with others, they’ll learn how their strength and bite can hurt, which will cause others to not want to play with them.

Exposing your dog to other dogs and humans helps to build their trust and confidence. Since we can’t verbally communicate the rules of socialization to our four-legged friends, learning how to communicate through energy and body language is extremely important. This is the language our pups speak.

Continual Learning

Even after the puppy phase, your dog’s personality can change and become hostile towards other dogs and people. If this happens, try bringing treats with you on your walks and give them to your pup when others approach. Your furry friend will associate interacting with other dogs as a good experience because of the treats and will change their perception about meeting new people.

Dogs that haven’t had positive and successful interactions become fearful of their surroundings. This results in creating a stressful environment for your pup which causes them to react in a negative way. Teaching them how to properly interact with others through positive relationships on a regular basis is key to successfully socializing your furry friend.

A happy dog is one that has plenty of canine companionship. Don’t have time to give your dog their required amount of socialization? With Dogtopia’s doggie daycare, we ensure your pup gets proper socialization and ample play time. Playrooms are grouped by size, personality and play style to make sure your dog is happy, safe and comfortable. Contact a Dogtopia near you to learn more!


The post How Socialization Can Improve a Dog’s Behavior appeared first on Dogtopia.

from Dogtopia

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